Home / Posts tagged "Iran"


Iran is again a Victim of Cyber Attack, Petrol Stations hit by Cyberattack: What Lessons India can draw?

Cyber Secure India
The Oil Minister of Iran Mr Javad Owji on Monday (18 Dec 2023) confirmed that a nationwide disruption to petrol stations was caused by a cyberat...
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If you find an interesting coronavirus maps on whatsapp or as an email attachment click with caution as this may be a Cyber Attack

cyber secure india
How hackers are using coronavirus maps to infect your computers. As reported by Cyber Experts, it has been observed that the hackers have resorted ...
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The Cyber Consequences of Killing Iranian General Qassim Suleimani: When Two Bulls Fight The Grass Suffers; is India also under threat of Cyber Attack proliferation

When Two Bulls Fight The Grass Suffers, is India also under threat of Cyber Attack proliferation. The Pentagon, USA, confirmed on 02 January 2020, ...
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