Home / Posts tagged "Software"


Car Software: Rethinking Software Architecture and provisions of Over-The-Air software updates solution

Cyber Secure India
For a long time now, the engine of a car was the epicentre of innovations and R & D. The advent of the digital era today has made manufactures...
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If you find an interesting coronavirus maps on whatsapp or as an email attachment click with caution as this may be a Cyber Attack

cyber secure india
How hackers are using coronavirus maps to infect your computers. As reported by Cyber Experts, it has been observed that the hackers have resorted ...
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Zorin OS 15.2 Linux distribution is here, the open source Operating System is now available for download and use

New OS of Linux Kernel Released Linux, computer Operating System (OS) created in the early 1990s by Finnish software engineer Linus Torvalds and th...
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Why “Free” public Wi-Fi should be used with caution? Can be a new playground for cyber criminals

We at CYBER SECURE INDIA evaluate the risks of using public WiFi and suggest strategies to use the free service while being secure and not being a vi...
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Is it time for a Home-Grown secure messaging & calling app for India: Whatsapp breach reported in India

WhatsApp Breach in India: is it time for a Home-Grown secure messaging & calling apps
WhatsApp Breach in India: is it time for a Home-Grown secure messaging & calling apps In India, we have now changed the outlook towards inter-p...
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The Need for India to have an Indigenous Operating System for PCs and Smart Phones as also Hardware- China to phase out Foreign Hardware and Software by year 2022

Should India also tow-the-line to ensure its Digital Sovereignty, like the Chinese Ban on Foreign Hardware and Software by year 2020. In a recent a...
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