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Cyber Attack

Iran is again a Victim of Cyber Attack, Petrol Stations hit by Cyberattack: What Lessons India can draw?

Cyber Secure India
The Oil Minister of Iran Mr Javad Owji on Monday (18 Dec 2023) confirmed that a nationwide disruption to petrol stations was caused by a cyberat...
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ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence: Can Cybercriminals Abuse the Newly Launched ChatGPT to Create Havoc in the Cyber Domain

Cyber Secure India
It is not uncommon for Threat Actors in the Cyber Domain, to use and at the same time abuse the Information Technology/ Communication Technolog...
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The All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi Cyber Attack of November 2022: Is there a Chinese Connect?

All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi, India was in the news in late November 2022, for a Cyber Attack that targeted them affe...
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India’s Largest Electric Power Generation, Transmission, Retail Power Company Tata Power under Cyber Attack on its IT Systems: is China at it again

Tata Power Company Limited in India has an installed and managed electricity generation capacity of 13,974 MW, which is the highest in the count...
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The ZERO KB File: A Threat to Enterprises who can be at Risk from Cyber Attacks

Cyber Secure India
It is but common that System Managers, Information Technology Management Asset Owners, DBAs, CISOs, etc; face with the threat of losing data avail...
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Operation OpsPatuk against India will be beaten back: The Group DragonForce initiates ransomware and other cyber attacks

Cyber Secure India
India is ever ready to counter any cyber attack on its infrastructure. Unlike the conventional form of warfare, the cyber warfare is ever predomin...
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Five (5) Search Results you may not trust on the first go on Google Search in India

Cyber Secure India
Google Search in India.. Google has become the companion of our life in the Digital Journey that we ensue day-after-day. The word “Google” is at th...
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Ransomware: The in-topic at the RSA Conference 2022

Cyber Secure India
RSA Conference 2022 at San Francisco, USA. RSA Conference, the world’s leading Information Security conferences and Expositions, after undergoing a...
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Cyber Attacks on Energy Sector: Strengthening of Defence of This Critical Infrastructure is Never Complete

Cyber Secure India
Strengthening of Defence Energy Sector against Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructure. Independent research specialised at risk evaluation of C...
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