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IT Act 2000

Ex Uber Chief Security Officer being convicted in Extortionate Data Breach Episode: A Five (5) Point Cautionary for Indian CISOs in the Industry

Joseph Sullivan, Joined Uber in Spring of year 2015 as its first CSO. This was the time when Uber was experiencing multiple safety and security ...
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The New Standard for Cyber Security of Organisations and Enterprises: Zero Trust Architecture

Cyber Secure India
In a recent announcement, the Government of India, voiced the concerns of the obsolete state of the over two-decade old IT Act (Information Techno...
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“Roskomnadzor” the Russian Watchdog: The Indian Parallel(s)

Cyber Secure India
The Organisation “Roskomnadzor” initially formed in March 2007 under the Russian Government, was earlier a cultural Watchdog of the nation, which ...
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The Proceedings at Different Courts in The Country on the New Information Technology Rule Notified by Government of India in February 2021 Stayed by The Supreme Court: Does This Demands an Introspection on the Nuances of the Law

Cyber Secure India
Supreme Court stays proceedings on new IT rules in High Courts. The Supreme Court of India, comprising of the bench, Justice AM Khanwilkar and Jus...
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Warning: Indian Cyberspace Off Late Encountering a Surge in API Attacks, Mobile Application Attacks and Web Application Attacks

Cyber Secure India
India's Cyberspace Off Late Encountering a Surge in API Attacks, Mobile Application Attacks and Web Application Attacks. Indian Computer Emergency ...
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It’s easy as 1,2,3 to avoid being a victim of SIM swap fraud: defend your phone against SIM swap attacks

It’s easy as 1,2,3 to avoid being a victim of SIM swap fraud In a recent news, it was reported by the Primitive founding Partner, Dovey Wan, Zhouji...
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