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Cyber Incidents

Ex Uber Chief Security Officer being convicted in Extortionate Data Breach Episode: A Five (5) Point Cautionary for Indian CISOs in the Industry

Joseph Sullivan, Joined Uber in Spring of year 2015 as its first CSO. This was the time when Uber was experiencing multiple safety and security ...
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Warning: Indian Cyberspace Off Late Encountering a Surge in API Attacks, Mobile Application Attacks and Web Application Attacks

Cyber Secure India
India's Cyberspace Off Late Encountering a Surge in API Attacks, Mobile Application Attacks and Web Application Attacks. Indian Computer Emergency ...
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Why does Government of India want to Monitor Virtual Private Network (VPN) service providers and also mandating them to collect user data

Cyber secure India
Government of India Instruction to Virtual Private Network (VPN) service providers. Come 28 June 2022, the Indian Government will ensure that Virtu...
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