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Information Technology

Warning: Indian Cyberspace Off Late Encountering a Surge in API Attacks, Mobile Application Attacks and Web Application Attacks

Cyber Secure India
India's Cyberspace Off Late Encountering a Surge in API Attacks, Mobile Application Attacks and Web Application Attacks. Indian Computer Emergency ...
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Cyber Safety in the COVID 19 Pandemic era for Parents and Students

cyber secure india
The interaction of the Child with the Parent or Guardians is now a need that is more than ever. This is the time for parents and guardians to have a...
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China fought the Corona outbreak using Information Technology, Big Data, High-Tech Health Surveillance and Artificial Intelligence to achieve the desired results in record time

Cyber Secure India
How China is using technology to fight coronavirus. Apart from the dedicated Health Workers, Medicines, Medical Equipments and the Enforcement Agen...
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