Home / Posts tagged "Vulnerability"


The All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi Cyber Attack of November 2022: Is there a Chinese Connect?

All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi, India was in the news in late November 2022, for a Cyber Attack that targeted them affe...
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Are mis-configured and mis-managed APIs a trouble for the CISOs

Cyber Secure India
APIs are CISOs’ Greatest Threat to Secure Operations. The Concept of API (Application Programming Interface) has been around in the IT industry ...
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Auth Bypass Vulnerability Noticed: Advisory to Patch VMware Products

Cyber Secure India
VMware critical vulnerability should be patched or mitigated immediately. VMware users have been issued caution by the OEM for two prominent vulner...
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The Lazarus Group: Looking into India for Soft and Vulnerable Targets

Cyber Secure India
Lazarus Group carrying out recce of Indian Targets The Lazarus Group is a Cyber Offensive wing, of either a State Sponsored or may be otherwise of...
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The Lesson We Are Learning From Zoom: Are we able to do away with it and cling to an alternative

cyber secure india
The popular app Zoom offers the simplest path to videoconferencing. The app has been put to extensive uses during this period when the world is under...
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Security Vulnerability on your Android Phone: Opens Door to Privilege Escalation Attack

It is time to update your Android device, with the newly released Android patch provided in the last week of October 2019. It is during the same time ...
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