Home / Posts tagged "5G"


Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS): The Next-Generation Internet Delivery System in India

Cyber Secure India
Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS) India’s Telecom Policy that was release in 1999, had envisaged introduction of Global Mo...
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Japan’s National institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), has tested a record internet speed over Optical Fiber Connectivity with a data transfer speed of 319Tbps

Cyber Secure India
The new fiber could help satisfy demand for 6G and beyond 5G is the fifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks. 5G is sig...
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5G Technology to power not only Smartphones but Tabs, Laptops, connecting Machine-to-Machine and Internet of Things (IoT) devices

5G Technology to power not only Smartphones but Tabs, Laptops, connecting Machine-to-Machine and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The advent of th...
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Government of India MEA establishes “New, Emerging and Strategic Technologies” (NEST) Division: an entity to manage India’s technology policy, coordinate domestic stakeholders, technology dealings with external agencies & promulgate national security aspects

The Government of India has announced the setting up of the “New, Emerging and Strategic Technologies” (NEST) Division under the MEA on Wednesda...
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Indian Government Approves Huawei to Participate in 5G Trials and did not gone the US way: Security is still a Concern

Indian Government Approves Huawei to Participate in 5G Trials and not gone the US way: Security is still a Concern. In a recent announcement by the...
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Be Cyber Secure in year 2020: New Technology Trends that will dominate year 2020

We at CYBER SECURE INDIA evaluate the top Ten (10) Technology Trends and also contemplate the envisaged Security Measures that will dominate the year...
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Government of India requests its Citizen to provide Feedback and Comments on National Cyber Security Strategy Year 2020

INDIA NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY STRATEGY 2020 Government of India had first come out with a National Cyber Security Policy in the year 2013. The poli...
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