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Five (5) Search Results you may not trust on the first go on Google Search in India

Cyber Secure India
Google Search in India.. Google has become the companion of our life in the Digital Journey that we ensue day-after-day. The word “Google” is at th...
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Its easy to fall prey to ‘Wangiri’ or the ‘One Ring and Drop’ form of Cyber Attack: 5 (five) Action Point to Protect against the Scam

Cyber Secure India
‘Wangiri’ or the ‘One Ring and Drop’ form of Cyber Attack on the rise. "Wangiri" is Japanese for "one ring and drop" is the new form of Cyber Scam,...
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Google at the rescue again to assist the fight against COVID-19: What is the help extended or can be taken from Google

Cyber Secure India
Indian government officially launches its coronavirus tracking app, Google will also help in its contribution for the fight against COVID-19 Pandemic...
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