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COVID-19 brings new Cyber-Security threats to Students Online: Curbing Cyber Threats in Online Learning

cyber secure india
Cyber Secure India, proposes to suggest some basic actions that need to be adhered to ensure a safe experience both for students and parents while ad...
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The Renewed Aviation Experience Post CORONA Lockdown: What is expected from the Passengers, Government and the IT and ICT Enablers

cyber secure india
The Aviation Industry is back in action, but more needs to be done from the IT and ICT perspective for profitability and security. Aviation has be...
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Indian Government Approves Huawei to Participate in 5G Trials and did not gone the US way: Security is still a Concern

Indian Government Approves Huawei to Participate in 5G Trials and not gone the US way: Security is still a Concern. In a recent announcement by the...
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The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016: A challenge for implementation form a Digital Perspective

The Implementation of The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016, is a Digital Challenge, and requires a robust, foolproof and secure IT system and infra...
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The Need for India to have an Indigenous Operating System for PCs and Smart Phones as also Hardware- China to phase out Foreign Hardware and Software by year 2022

Should India also tow-the-line to ensure its Digital Sovereignty, like the Chinese Ban on Foreign Hardware and Software by year 2020. In a recent a...
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