Home / Posts tagged "Pegasus"


‘Hermit’ the Spyware on Android Discovered in Targeted Attacks

Cyber Secure India
Forget Pegasus, new spyware 'Hermit' on Android Discovered in Targeted Attacks.. Even as the allegation being heard by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of...
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Is it time for a Home-Grown secure messaging & calling app for India: Whatsapp breach reported in India

WhatsApp Breach in India: is it time for a Home-Grown secure messaging & calling apps
WhatsApp Breach in India: is it time for a Home-Grown secure messaging & calling apps In India, we have now changed the outlook towards inter-p...
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Is the Indian Government considering a Ban on Whatsapp End-To-End Encryption Feature: A relook at the provisions of Personal Data Protection Bill?

WhatsApp End-To-End Encryption, is it here to stay of the Government is looking for a Ban. There is no single solution to Privacy or Security. Ther...
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