Home / Posts tagged "Ransomware"


Ransomware: The in-topic at the RSA Conference 2022

Cyber Secure India
RSA Conference 2022 at San Francisco, USA. RSA Conference, the world’s leading Information Security conferences and Expositions, after undergoing a...
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Cyber Threat Intelligence and Security Operations Center (SOC): Does Threat Intelligence improve SOC effectiveness and inturn Mitigate Risk?

Cyber Secure India
Cyber Threat Intelligence and Security Operations Center (SOC): Does threat intelligence improve SOC effectiveness and inturn Mitigate Risk? Today ...
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Oil India Limited (OIL) under Cyber Attack:  First of its kind Ransom Demand on State-owned Enterprise of the Government of India

Cyber Secure India
OIL Under Cyber Attack. The Trend of Cyber Attack and demand of Ransom, had seen a little lull, post the COVID lockdown of June 2021. The laxity th...
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The Ransomware Gang is Back Again: This Time it’s the JBS who is the victim of the REvil

REvil, A Notorious Ransomware Gang, Was Behind JBS Cyberattack This time it’s the world’s largest meat processing company that has been targeted. J...
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Conti Ransomware: The Next Trending

Cyber Secure India
Imagine that you walk into your office, and/or login to your personal laptop and find your system with a blank white screen with a message telling yo...
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Is there a SNAKE under the hood of Honda: EKANS Malware is a targeted Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Ransomware

Cyber Secure India
Honda Motors under Cyber Attack. In a delayed communication on 09 June 2020, the Japanese Automobile Giant, Honda Motor Company Headquarters, pass ...
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Criminal on-full throttle with Cybercrime on the rise during Coronavirus Pandemic and they are also capitalising on COVID-19 fear

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 and the declaration of the same as a global pandemic, the Cyber World has noticed a rise in Cybercrime. Since th...
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